Monday, October 06, 2008

Nestle-free week launch success

Our press release on the successful launch of Nestlé-Free Week is available on our website at:

This picks up on the fact that Nestlé tried to hi-jack the site officially launched on Saturday 4 October. This site has the theme: "Nestlé's actions speak louder than its words". In the first few days there have been over 10,000 views of the site. As someone has commented in the visitors' book: "What an excellent idea to round up all of Nestle's ruthless and underhanded activities and put them all under one handy little link! Well done to all involved. That makes it so much easier to pass it all on!"

For details of how Nestlé tried to hi-jack the site, see:

There's also a fair bit of traffic coming for the article examining the claim Nestlé made in a press release on 22 September saying "no melamine found" in products tested in China. Yet while referring to products on a 'not contaminated' list, there was a whole milk on a 'contaminated' list. The article (which first appeared on this blog) links to the test results and to a briefing from the World Health Organisation on melamine and compares the levels of contamination found in Nestlé's product in China - above the statutory limit, but below WHO's 'tolerable' level - with the far higher levels found in its competitors Sanlu/Fonterra formula that has resulted in thousands of infants being hospitalized and four deaths. The aim is for the site to be recognised as a source of objective and accurate information - as with everything we do. See the article at:

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